MathParser\Parsing\Nodes Namespace Reference

Node classes for use in the generated abstract syntax trees (AST). More...


 Classes implementing the ExpressionNodeFactory interfaces, and related functionality.
 Interfaces for Nodes, in particular Node factories.
 Traits for Nodes.


class  ConstantNode
 AST node representing a known constant (e.g. More...
class  ExpressionNode
 AST node representing a binary operator. More...
class  FunctionNode
 AST node representing a function applications (e.g. More...
class  IntegerNode
 AST node representing a number (int or float) More...
class  Node
 Abstract base class for nodes in the abstract syntax tree generated by the Parser (and some AST transformers). More...
class  NumberNode
 AST node representing a number (int or float) More...
class  PostfixOperatorNode
 AST node representing a postfix operator. More...
class  RationalNode
 AST node representing a number (int or float) More...
class  SubExpressionNode
 AST node representing a subexpression. More...
class  VariableNode
 AST node representing a variable. More...

Detailed Description

Node classes for use in the generated abstract syntax trees (AST).